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August 28, 2013

What’s Your Dream Job? – Nanaimo Magazine Cover


Check us out in Nanaimo Magazine! Cover: Ian Reid, Kristina Crowson, Michael Reid. Read the full article below, or pick up a copy of Nanaimo Magazine around town.



Chances are, we all have a slightly different answer to that question, but you can bet there will be a common thread – a job where we are respected, empowered, challenged, and above all: accepted.

When Array Web + Creative was founded, the small team of four wished for a design & development studio that would inspire clients and employees to reach far and dream big. Owners Michael & Ian Reid had experienced the type of “soul crushing” job we’ve all endured (you know, where you count every minute until lunch break) and wanted something better.

From its beginnings, Array threw itself whole-heartedly into the idea that conformity and rule making often squashes confidence and creativity. The team embraced non traditional workplace standards, letting employees set their own hours, research creative projects, and use their voices to suggest, disagree, and debate everything from office location to whom to hire when the team expanded. Individual strengths were to be celebrated, and opinions & ideas were welcomed on each project, instead of silenced.

Five years later, the team has grown (and occasionally shrunk), and is now a dedicated family of 10. Loyalty, responsibility, and individual creativity have become the hallmarks of the company, and the strategy of employee empowerment is evident when you meet team members. Sarah Bromley, Production Manager explains, “We’ve each developed this constant desire to challenge ourselves, raising the bar higher on each new project. We do everything in house, and are continually learning. I think it really shows in the work that we deliver our clients.”