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Vancouver Island Economic Alliance

A mutually beneficial partnership continues to grow.

Nanaimo, BC

The Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (VIEA) is a non-profit organization that focuses on promoting and fostering economic development on Vancouver Island & Gulf Islands. Array and the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (VIEA) share a longstanding collaboration that began in 2008. Looking to amplify its digital presence, increase membership signups, and better serve the needs of its diverse stakeholders, VIEA partnered with Array to revitalize its website by transforming it into a comprehensive and user-friendly resource for economic information designed to drive growth across our regions.

What did we do?
  • Brand Collateral
  • Brand Messaging and Tone
  • Content Design & Creation
  • Conversion Tracking & Optimization
  • Copy Review & Editing
  • Custom Plug-in & Functionality
  • Email Marketing
  • Information Architecture Development
  • Logo Design
  • Organic Social Media Management & Strategy
  • Performance Analysis & Reporting
  • Responsive Website Graphic Design
  • Search Engine Marketing & Online Advertising
  • UI/UX Design
  • Website Design & Programming
How Did We Help Them Out?
  • Over the years, as VIEA has grown, their website has evolved into a central hub for reports and data on the diverse industries across our regions. Serving a vast audience –communities, First Nations, businesses, and individuals— the need for a streamlined, categorized, and easily-searchable solution was paramount. Recognizing this, Array revamped VIEA’s initial website into a mobile-optimized, scalable hub, rich with categorized economic data and primed for the future.
  • Initially, to become a member of VIEA, you were required to fill out a hard copy membership form and send it in. To streamline the membership process, Array developed a membership portal that allows prospective members to effortlessly join and manage their profiles directly on VIEA’s website, eliminating the need for any paperwork.
  • Array conducted a thorough content analysis for VIEA, identifying areas for improvement in the user experience. We then examined the website stakeholders and how they currently used the site, identifying where weaknesses in user flow were arising as well. Leveraging this insight, we revamped the information architecture and created a design tailored to attract and engage potential members.
  • Custom interactive maps entice engagement with accessible visual data on VI First Nations, Regions & Communities, and Regional & Economic Information.
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